Monday 6 March 2017

Computer-mediated Communication

CMC is the use of computer based on tools such email, computer conferencing, which for the purpose of human interaction. And the face-to-face communication is not only the way people can communicate which CMC provide other way to communicate with other. CMC made communication easier for people who have a busy schedule.  

According to Lengel (1984) , the theory on CMC began with an assumption that many management problems are difficult and complex; hence formal information is not rich enough to convey adequate insight and understanding.

In my opinion, the computer mediated messages are inappropriate or ineffective for exchanges in which interpersonal exchanges is needed because the medium provides the information.
According to Jones, 1995, CMC may be Impersonal, growing numbers of report are appearing that reflect more personal CMC interaction, sometimes just a personal as face-to-face interaction even describing interaction that surpasses in some interpersonal aspect.

From the table above, every medium have different capability or ability to deliver the messages. It is all about the effectiveness that each media brings. For example, written posts in social media could not provide the fact how the writer actually feels or their expression is. We do not know their tone in their message. Thus, we could say the effectiveness in delivering the message is low.
However the media such as the telephone and “voice note” is a two-way communication and you could interpret the other party’s tone but you can’t exactly interpret their expression.
While for me video conferencing is the most effective because you could eventually see and hear the person clearly. For example, Skype and Face time.

Lengel, R.H.,& Draft, R.L (1984). An exploratory analysis of the relationship between media richness and managerial information processing.College Station, TX: Department of management, Texax A & M University.
Jones, S.(1995).  CyberSociety: computer-mediated communication and community. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publication


  1. Good points from Fely.. i like the appendixes that you shown up there. So clear to know what is CMC about. Good and nice points.

    1. yup..because CMC is the way to communicate with others without face-to-face and it also might brings misunderstood while using CMC in communicate. But for time & space using CMC is good to deliver the message and information.

  2. CMC merupakan suatu langkah yang paling mudah untuk kita mendapatkan sebarang maklumat dengan pantas. CMC banyak membantu kita hasil kecanggihan teknologi yang serba moden kini. Bagus sekali artikel kamu ini, Felicitas! Good Job.

    1. betul tu saudara Amir Syaiffuddin. Sebab CMC ini boleh menghubungkan kita dengan orang lain dalam jarak jauh dan untuk mendapatakn informasi dengan mudah dan cepat sekali. btw,tq Amir. hehe

  3. From the table you provided, it clearly shows that how effective face-to-face communication as compared to CMC.

  4. I learnt 3 new theories related to mediated communication:Social Presence Theory, media Richness Theory, and Common Ground Theory.

    Based on common ground theory, people must share knowledge in order to have meaningful conversation (Clark 1985)

  5. Saya bersetuju dengan kanyataan saudari Feli. CMC dapat menjalinkan hubungan yang rapat dengan seorang individual dalam jarek jauh. Tetapi, kelemahan CMC yang sangat jelas dapat kita lihat melalui perhubungan dengan orang yang terdekat sekeliling kita. Kebanyakan remaja sekarang lebih menghabiskan masa dengan hubungan sosial maya melalui gadjet masing-masing.

    1. Ya, saya setuju dengan kenyataan anda. Kadang-kadang kita terlalu mementingkan interaksi dengan orang yang jauh melalui CMC sehingga kita mengabaikan orang yang dekat dengan kita.

  6. Thank you for the extra information that you have provided. I prefer to use video conference or video calling too when I wanted to interact with someone who is far from me but sometimes it could be annoying due to the slow internet connection which can cause the video to be stuck.

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  8. I agree with your point when you stated that CMC is not effective in a communication due to the lack of expressions and reactions by the other person. However, the social media evolve over time, so there is some way where the communication is able through video calls and sending a voice note through the social media, for instance, Whatsapp and Skype. In my opinion, I do think that CMC might evolve to be almost as the face-to-face communication, except for the fact that they are not meeting in-person.
