Wednesday 1 March 2017

Touch on fleek: Firing up smartphone industry with social media

Recently, the world’s richest man, Bill Gates, had proposed robots to be taxed due to the increase rate of unemployment during an interview with Quartz. Now, in this situation I saw a clash between innovation and human development. Will the taxation of robots in automotive businesses gives more benefits to us? Innovation wise, the taxation may be bad as it restrict the creative mind of human. In the other hand, the taxation may actually decrease the rate of unemployment in general. But who knows? Maybe with more robots, human workers can be more productive as revenue increase the wage of the employed may increase as well. The Economist argued with Gates saying that “investments in robots can make human workers more productive rather than expendable; taxing them could leave the employees affected worse off” (The Economist, Feb 25, 2017). This is a very interesting topic to discuss as we are now living and growing towards the peak of globalized era.

One obvious and simplest example that we live with every single day, when we wake up in the morning the first thing that most of us do is, checking out our smartphone. Touch, touch, touch, scroll, scroll, scroll, texting, texting, done. Remember the time when we have not yet have any mobile phones? What would you do upon awake?

Below is a video of the transition or the advancement of mobile phones years ago whereby it transition from button to fully touchscreen.
To see a pictures of the changing of mobile phones for 20 years ago, check out Telegraph UK by clicking here.

There are two types of touchscreen that we have today: resistive, and capacitive

  Social media is a powerful tool that can reach a mass audience in no time. To me, what makes smartphones is accepted by almost all ages is that it is used to socialize. Large businesses and organisations must have their social media platforms. Social media is very addictive. To what extend can our smarphones really makes us connected to the people we engage in on social media. As a matter of fact a study by an expert, Sheryl Tuckle( as cited in The Economist, Feb 9,2017) suggested that smarphones makes it really hard for people to bond together; and the participants who are ask to sit still for 15 minutes would rather get electric shocked just to escape the boredom. So, here shows that the more advanced the smartphone we have, the easier for one to get boredom.

In the other hand, there is an issue where(not in Malaysia) where restaurant owners forbid the diners to take pictures of the food or meal that they have in the retaurant because it disturbed the dining experience and standard at the restaurant. Now this may not be a good move because it is believed that by allowing the customers to post the picture of the food onto social media platforms, can create a sense of trust among the potential customers out there. Even though it may not be a good review about the food or the restaurant, a study shows that most people still want to try visit the restaurant just because of the disclosure and trustworthiness (Edwards, 2013). Marketing in social media like Snapchat has been very successful. See the diagram below. Celebrity endorsement

Small businesses usually promote their goods through social media because it is free and convenient. Having said that invloving in online business, the customers are in jeoardy of insecurity and data leakage to anyone who is skilled in hijacking the internet security system. It is true that when innovation arise, we became even more vunerable especially when today we are practicing open-door policy. Money laundering is one of the danger of having too exposed to the online platform.


Edwards, G. (2013, March 15). Why your restaurant needs social media. The social media monthly. Retrieved from

Tang, E. (2015, April 6). The science behind touchscreens. Innovation – Princeton journal of science and technology. Rerieved from

The Economist. (2017, February 9). Smartphones are strongly addictive: The price of constant entertainment on tap. Retrieved from

The Economist. (2017, February 25) Why taxing robots is not a good idea: Bill Gates’ proposal is revealing about the challenge automation poses. Retrieved from


  1. Bagus sekali penerangan dan penjelasan kamu terhadap media sosial dan sebagainya. Saya dapat mengambil maklumat-maklumat ini untuk saya jadikan panduan yang berguna di dalam kehidupan seharian saya. Terima kasih ya!

    1. Tiada masalah. Walaubagaimanapun, kecanggihan telefon pintar pada masa sekarang membuatkan kita menjadi lebih leka dan kurang produktif tidak kira dari segi pembelajaran mahupun pekerjaan.

  2. Media sosial sangat meluas dalam penggunaannya terutama pada zaman kini yang memerlukan media sosial untuk berhubung dalam mendapatkan maklumat dari pelbagai sudut. Melalui media juga proses sesuatu kerja lebih mudah dan menjimatkan masa seiring dengan globalisasi terkini dimana Malaysia sendiri meletakkan target untuk mencapai negara maju menjelang 2020. Media sosial perlu diberi perhatian dari segi kebaikkannya walaupun pasti ada dari segi keburukkanya, terpulang kepada pengguna itu bagaimana mereka memanfaatkn peluang yang ada. Ini pendapat saya melalui topik ini. Sekian Terima Kasih.. (smile)..

    1. Ya betul itu saudari Felicitas. Setiap perkara dalam kehidupan pasti ada baik dan buruknya.

  3. People nowadays are becoming more and more dependent on technologies and gadgets. Smartphones, for example, is no longer treated as a gadget that helps to ease our daily life but it has becoming one of our necessities and I can say that most people cannot live without their smartphones. I think that the usage of smartphones help to connect us to the people who are far from us but using smartphones too often can isolate us from the people who are near form us. We can see that, even during a family outing we can see that the family members are usually busy playing their smartphones instead of spending times with others. Even I, myself realize that I do neglect my surrounding when I'm using my smartphone. Although we cannot deny the benefits smartphones have bring to us, but it too lead to negative effects to our life.

    1. Saya setuju kenyataan saudari Alicia. Sungguh tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa setiap individu sekarang sangat bergantung kepada teknologi dan gadget masing-masing. Untuk pengetahuan saudari, Menurut Naib Presiden FB Asia Pasifik, Dan Neary menerusi petikan dalam akhbar Berita Harian pada Mei 2015 “Facebook buka pejabat di Malaysia” (2016) telah menyatakan bahawa Facebook adalah laman sosial yang paling kerap dikunjungi oleh pengguna internet di Malaysia dan mempunyai seramai 18 juta pengguna setakat Mei 2016 dan sekurang-kurangnya 13 juta pengguna facebook yang aktif pada setiap hari. Hal ini menunjukkan bahawa setiap individu di Malaysia bergantung kepada Internet.

      Facebook buka pejabat di Malaysia. (2016, Mei 5). Berita Harian Online. Diambil daripada

    2. Yup.. I am agree with you. It is undeniable that people seem to be more focus on their smartphones rather than having the time to enjoy their surrounding. This might be the reason some people being labelled as "anti-social" due to their attachment with their phones 24/7.
      If look on the other side, I guess that one started to use their phones when they feel boring. It would be just fine if they are alone but, being with others it is a "No".
      An individual also tends to use smartphones as they saw the others are doing it. So, they just imitate the others as no one really cares to interact face-to-face with others. I think that this is sad but all of us actually do it most of the time.

    3. Nevertheless, what we are experiencing now is a product of innovation by human. Thanks..!

  4. Peningkatan teknologi membawa pembangunan sesebuah negara di era globalisasi. Kemajuan teknologi adalah sesuatu perkara yang tidak dapat dihindari dalam kehidupan ini. Hal ini demikian kerana kemajuan teknologi akan berjalan sesuai dengan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan. Setiap inovasi diciptakan untuk memberikan manfaat positif bagi kehidupan manusia. Selain memberikan banyak kemudahan, serta sebagai cara baru dalam memudahkan aktiviti manusia. Khususnya, masyarakat sudah menikmati banyak manfaat yang dibawa oleh inovasi-inovasi dalam bidang teknologi yang telah dihasilkan pada akhir-akhir ini. Namun demikian, walaupun pada awalnya diciptakan untuk menghasilkan manfaat positif, di sisi lain juga menghasilkan sesuatu perkara negatif.
    Perkembangan teknologi di era sekarang ini sangat pesat. Pelbagai kemajuan teknologi dapat kita perolehi dengan mudahnya. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi itu komunikasi antara manusia dapat dilakukan dengan pelbagai alat atau sarana, salah satunya alat komunikasi yang banyak digunakan saat ini. Contohnya adalah internet, handphone, facebook, twitter dan lain-lain.
    Memang sangat bagus untuk para remaja, kerana dapat menambah pengetahuan. Di internet, kita dapat menemukan informasi-informasi yang penting dengan mudah diketahui. Inilah yang menyajikan kepada kita kekuatan daya imajinasi dan teknologi komunikasi yang memungkinkan tersebarnya informasi dalam kualiti yang hampir sempurna dalam waktu yang sangat cepat. Menurut Tun Dr. Mahathir menerusi petikan berita Astro Awani pada September 2014 “Teknologi perlu jadi 'penyuntik semangat' orang Melayu” menyatakan bahawa teknologi tidak menjadikan kita malas kerana teknologi hanya memudahkan proses dan teknologi bukan mengurangkan beban kerja, tetapi meningkatkan beban kerja kerana teknologi mempermudahkan proses. Daripada kata-kata bekas perdana menteri Malaysia ini menunjukan kepentingan sesuatu teknologi dan setiap individu perlu mengambil segala manfaat daripada teknologi itu.

    Teknologi perlu jadi 'penyuntik semangat’ orang melayu. (2014, September 14). Berita Astro Awani. Diambil daripada

    1. Teens text and call the most via mobile phone while messaging through social media has gradually peaked over the years; email and instant messaging are slowly declining in usage since 2006 (Lenhart, 2012)

      Teenagers are having less communication face-to-face at school due to the emergence of social media. However, the study shows that they engage in face-to-face communication more outside of the school.

      Lenhart, A. (2012). Teens, smartphones & texting. Pew Research Center. p.8

      Retrieved from

  5. Thanks for the post. It was so true that nowadays, globalization is no doubt the most important to us especially the usage of smartphones. Well, I also did the same way in which I will check my phones first when woke up in the morning. I guess that it is a habit now.
    Besides, I am also amazed to know that there are actually two types of touchscreen which are resistive and capacitive touch screen. I guess mine would be the capacitive type becauses there aren't any dents when I touch my phones.
    Thank you for this information.. :)

    1. You are most welcome. Nokia 3310 is having a lot of publicity now because they claimed that full touch screen phone is boring already. This can be interesting to talk about.

  6. Ya saudari Alicia, contohnya tidak jauh sekali. Kita berbalik kepada kita sendiri, dalam sehari berapa lama masa yang kita telah habiskan untuk menggunakan gajet - gajet yang menjadi kepentingan dalam kehidupan seharian kita sendiri.

  7. I agree with your statement when you mentioned that social media is a powerful tool to get to a large number of audience. It is true that social media and technology is addictive. However, upon waking up, the first thing I do is not always checking my mobile phones. I can consider myself as not addictive to mobile phone and social media. I do not spend most of my time with my mobile phone, but I use technology to ease my tasks. Technology, mobile phone, and social media is tools to use in our everyday life, but I do not depend on it too much.
