Sunday 5 March 2017

Richie bin Dapar Jafar (48791)
The Pros and Cons of Computer mediated communication
Nowadays, most of our time were spent on using technology.  When it comes to computer-mediated communication(CMC), I immediately think of social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and others.  This is because people nowadays prefer to communicate using social media rather than face-to-face communication.  A study by Drago (2015) suggests that people are becoming more reliant on communicating with friends and family through technology and are neglecting to engage personally. 

CMC like social media plays their role effectively in enhancing the flow of communication.  However, CMC also reduce the quality of communication as it lacks nonverbal cues in online communication.  So, basically, CMC has both advantages and disadvantages.

As what we learn from the lecture, computer-mediated communication is any human communication that occurs through the use of two or more electronic devices.   Basically, it can occur in the form of instant messaging, email, chat rooms, online forums, and other social network services.  

There are two types of computer-mediated communication which are synchronous and asynchronous
To understand more about the two type of CMC, please look at the picture below.

So, here are some of the advantages of CMC. 

CMC is not place and time dependence.  Unlike face to face communication that requires people to be in close physical proximity when talking, computer-mediated communication is place-independent.  As explained by Althaus (1997) computer mediated communication takes place in cyberspace, in which individuals can access files, read mail, and talk to one another.  Computer-mediated communication makes it possible for people from different part of the world to send and receive messages at any time and anywhere they want.  As people communicate through the internet, there is no need for people to attend physically during the communication processes. 

Computer-mediated communication can create a unique environment for discussion that avoids many of the conversational limitations posed by face-to-face communication (McComb, 1994).  Unlike in traditional classroom where face-to-face discussion must take place during classroom time, people especially student have more time to respond to a discussion when they are convenient.  Just like in a traditional classroom, a student is able to interact with the lecturer and other student as well.  It also help student who are shy to express their opinion on topic discussed.

CMC are lack of paralinguistic cues.  Paralinguistic cues refers to nonverbal element such as body posture, gesture, and facial expression that contribute meaning to verbal communication.  In an online communication, user can express their facial expression by using emotion icon or also known as emoticon.  However, emoticon alone cannot represent the others nonverbal element.

To understand more about computer-mediated communication, here is a video that might help to explain the basic concept of CMC and the advantages and disadvantages of CMC.

Althaus, S.  L.  (1997).  Computer-mediated communication in the university classroom:  An experiment with on-line discussions.

Drago, E.  (2015).  The effect of technology on face-to-face communication.  Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications, 6(1).

McComb, M.  (1994).  Benefits of computer-mediated communication in college courses.  Communication Education, 43(2), 159-170.


  1. It's true that CMC had taken away the intimate conversation that we used to had we our friends, family members, etc. That said, it is not all a bad thing. Without CMC, it is difficult to communicate in a long distance. Also, now with the availability of social media such as Whatsapp and Facebook messenger, our long distance communication is doable without spending a penny. Well, if you are subcribing internet, you need to pay. But at least you can communicate as long or as many as you want without even qorry about the messaging and calling charges.

    1. Hi Petrus, it is true that without CMC, it will be difficult for people to communicate in a long distance especially in today's world where immediacy is important in communication.

  2. Everything in this world has their own pros and cons. I agree that CMC helps to make communication easier for people who are far from each other. For instance, we can make video call to another person from the other part of the world without having to pay any amount of money due to the presence of media social apps such as Whatsapp and Skype. The only thing that you need to have is a fast connection of Internet. CMC also helps people who have problem to communicate with people face-to-face. This enable them to communicate with people with no pressure or sorts. On the other hand, CMC also brings disadvantages to people. For example, we can not know what the other person's feeling when we are communicating with them. This is because, without reading the other person's body language and face expression, it is hard to read someone's feeling.

    1. should we try to video call? so that we can apply what is CMC all about...hahahaha...

    2. Hi Alicia, thanks for the example and further explanation given on this topic.

    3. Thats true. Everything in this world has their own pros and cons. Its depends for ourselves how we use it. In bad way or good way..

  3. When a matter occurs, there will always be advantages and the disadvantages of it. Exactly like what you had posted about CMC and I am agree that CMC also have the pros and cons.
    For me, the computer-mediated communication will be helpful for people like me because I prefer interact with people using smartphone. It is a good way actually because I really love to use the emoticon to show my feelings. Now, here is the worse part in which some people might be misuderstood with the emoticon that I've given. It wasn't me actually but some people that I know. He or she was using a nice words but the emoticon that he or she gave was different than what he or she wrote. That makes me misunderstood of their messages. So, I asked them again what is the emoticon all about. Then, they said that it was "typo" and they sent a wrong one.
    Thus, I suppose that all of us should be able to express more about ourselves so that people would not misundeerstood. Sometimes, our appearances might be tough but the inside is actually the opposite one. I guess that goes the same with CMC too. It makes communication easier by enable us interact with people without any borders but, at the same time might cause troubles as sometimes we do not really know the people that we are interacting with.
    I gues that is all from me. Thanks..

    1. *guess
      (well, this is one of the reason CMC can cause disadvantage. "Typo" occurs and might cause misunderstood. hehehe...)

    2. i like your ideas..because my typo also too bad and sometimes it can cause misunderstood by the readers..hahahha

    3. Hi Joannalisa, it is true that sometimes, people can hide their emotion through the use of emoticon in a CMC conversation. This is one of the disadvantages as you mentioned earlier.

  4. Memang tidak dinafikan bahawa CMC banyak mempengaruhi kita di dalam kehidupan seharian. Sebagai seorang manusia, kita seharusnya mengetahui batasan dan kaedah-kaedah yang boleh digunakan agar sesuatu perhubungan itu tidak akan menjadi renggang akibat daripada kewujudan teknologi yang serba moden pada masa kini.

    1. Hi Amir, saya setuju dengan pendapat kamu bahawa CMC boleh membawa kepada kebaikan, namun begitu penggunaan yang berhemah perlu diamalkan untuk menjamin kesejahteraan semua orang.

  5. CMC banyak memberikan kita cara untuk berkomunikasi walaupun tanpa bersemuka. Pada saya, CMC ini perlu diperjelaskan dengan terperinci kerana kita menggunakan bahasa badan untuk menyampaikan sesuatu maklumat tanpa bersuara kepada individu lain..hehe!

  6. Hai Felicitas, saya setuju bahawa, computer-mediated communication tidak mampu memberikan komunikasi yang sempurna kerana terdapat kelemahan terutama sekali dari segi bahasa badan

  7. CMC mempunyai kebaikkan dan keburukkan. Kebaikkan yang dapat saya kongsikan adalah apabila kita memberi maklum balas menggunakan CMC pada aplikasi - aplikasi tertentu ianya lebih menjimatkan ruang dan masa kita. Namun begitu, CMC yang kita gunakan sekiranya terlalu ringkas boleh menyebabkan miss communication dan boleh menimbulkan salah faham antara kita dengan individu lain.

  8. It is true CMC lacks in terms of paralinguistic cues as people could not express their expression and reactions during a conversation. However, CMC’s advantage of not place and time dependence is good in order to have time to think to reply to a conversation. This can help in reducing the possibility to offend anyone, as this usually happens if they reply too fast and less time to think for a better reply. Also, CMC is good for those who could not meet in-person and are in need to communicate with one another.
