Saturday 25 March 2017

Journalism today

With the presence of new advance technologies, newspapers and print journalism have been gradually changing over the years. Before, a reporter would be given a lead and they need to went outside in order for them to get news. Today, we can see that many stories are receiving received third hand interference or opinions through Facebook posts or Tweets so by the time a story is assigned to the reporters, the story has already become some news that are known to the public. The reporter now has to take that into consideration and probably need to find a new angle of the story to be covered as a news. Read more...

 People consuming news via the Internet or apps are becoming more than those who do so by buying a hardcopy of the traditional newspapers. Not only that, Internet has also changed people’s perceptions of the news media. We can see that the existences of news portal and news online sites are becoming more and more, thus making it easy for us to get information. We can access to news around us within just seconds. With the easy access of information, credibility of the news becomes a questions. Have you guys ever wonder where do all the news came from and whether the source is trustable or not? And what does it takes for you to trust a news before you decide to share the news in your social media accounts?



  1. There is no denial that news stories nowadays can be gotten easily and that most people believe and trust the news that they had read. For example, in Facebook in which people can get information or news easily by the posts that the admin shared.
    For me, I did not believe the news unless I had seen it on televison or newspapers. I still rely on the newspapers to get news stories. I also subscribed for the Borneo Post so that I can get news stories. I may not read many news stories but I tried to keep on track and know as many news that I can.
    Sometimes, I'm not satisfied with the news that I've got. So, I will check the details more and maybe asked other people about the news.

  2. Neither journalism then, now, nor future is a hundred percent can be trusted. Skepticism is important and will keep us from spreading false news. Just my opinion. Thanks for the info.

  3. Agak tepat sekali Ali, seperti mana yang selalu berlaku pada diri saya sering menerima maklumat yang tidak sahih daripada sumber seperti aplikasi Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp dan sebagainya. Oleh itu, ini menjadikan kredibiliti seorang wartawan sebagai penyampai berita atau maklumat terjejas.

  4. Banyak sangat info tak sahih sekarang ini. Hati2lah kawan agar kita tidak trpengaruh dengan info yang tidak bersumberkan yg betul.

  5. kredibiliti seorang wartawan jatuh melalui sumber yang tidak sahih yang wujud di mana-mana saluran media sekarang.

  6. Kita haruslah berwaspada dalam menerima segala maklumat kerana kesahihan maklumat tersebut kadangkala benar dan kadangkala tidak benar.

  7. I used to question the source and the credibility of the news. Then, I learnt about it in News Writing class which helped me in understanding how news works. In order to trust a news, I search more about the news in other news sites to ensure that the news is trustable. I do not normally share in social media accounts to avoid unintended sharing of any false and controversial news.
